Kitty's Slutty Gf
Posted by: KittyLovesCock
Mar 26, 2012
It has often been commented on our contris I am the luckiest guy in the World. Now I agree. Kitty is out of control and honestly after submitting here for a year you have not seen anything yet. As you know, there is always a story with our contris because I can't make this up. If you recall Kitty's GF has been in Cuba since the new year and we were supposed to be going to Vegas this past weekend together. Kitty's GF got up here from Cali on Thursday we were going to leave Early Saturday AM for Vegas. Kitty gets a call from her sister in Newberg her horse is sick and not looking good. I wasn't even home from work I get a text telling me what is going on and that I am to go home and enjoy the weekend with our friend. I quote verbatim from her text to me "U Go home and fuck that slut make sure u video. There is steak to cook on grill. Give Dutchie her meds with food in am. Call you from the farm. Luv u." So here it is, me one on one with Kitty's Slutty GF. Hopefully Kitty will be back in a few days and we will have some awesome GG and 3sum clips for you in April. GREETINGS FROM OREGON!
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