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Posted by:  TheIrishLass

Sep 14, 2023

If you've been around long enough, you might know that a favorite

past-time of mine has been to visit the RC EXBB Live Video Chat! I used

to regularly hold an "IrishLass & Cock-Tales" chat on Friday

mornings. Though I don't make it in there as often as I wish I could now,

it's always a thrill for me to connect with the RC community. We discuss

the most interesting topics, sharing bts info on past photo shoots

& video clips, just sip our tasty beverages & let it all hang out,

hee-he-hee. The last time I had the opportunity to do a LiveChat with my

RC friends was during a weekend getaway where I also had the pleasure

of introducing my bf Eitan. We decided to treat my fellow RC friends to a

steamy hot session. So as our visit was streaming Cowan was also

recording. Before you know it I was wrapped up in the middle of my 2

favorite men (Mfm/Dp), moaning with pleasure! The ending got really

creamy and I was once again satisfied beyond an honest Milf's desire,

lol. I hope you enjoy this live capture of our fun and to those of you

who were there with us stroking along in real time, I hope you enjoy

busting another nut too, hee-he-hee! Oh, and if you happen to have

captured some screenshots from that day please feel free to Re-post them

to my personal thread at Sam's Place on the RC EXBB. Sm00ches from your

favorite @The_Irish_Lass

All Comments (240)
  • Out of the "top rated of all time" - you won three out of the first ten - girl you got it going - and my all time favorite too.
  • Lilbugger 4U - You better believe it - lol!
  • What a lucky Lass to have to fine cocks up and ready to serve you.
  • Shawn - - Hey there handsome . . . happy to see you cumming by
  • So fucking hot!
  • Lekky - Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a peek ;-)
  • .... very hot clip!
  • swcouple4her - *Blushing All Over*
  • You are stunning and so incredibly erotic!!
  • The original butch - Mmm, I just can't help myself Regarding my moaning during this romp . . . as soon as we were finished and cleaned up, just hanging out chatting about the fun of it I looked over my shoulder to see a woman outside of a window we missed shutting the curtains of, on the stairway w/ her phone in hand . . . walking away with a smirk on her face. Umm, not sure how long she was there, whether she was the host or another visitor but perhaps she was checking to see no one was being harmed because of my loud noises, lol.
  • Yellowjacket - Always a thrill to have you cumming back again ;-)
  • you do have the moaning down lol
  • Sorry Bree but I wanted to stop in and hear that super sexy voice of yours one more time. And yes, of course I wanted to see the movie again too, but you know...
  • bigtiny - Sweet & Tangy of course
  • bet you taste as good as you look,very sexy ,so sweet