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Posted by:  Paige

Mar 9, 2019

This is the last of the dildo session with Paige. As hard as she tried she could only get the head of the big black dildo in and she tried for 40 minutes rubbing and fingering her hot cunt. She must have come a half dozen times during this. She finally grabbed a smaller one and worked her pussy over. You can see her cum on it as she pulls it all the way out.

All Comments (20)
  • Hot
  • Love her pics and vids !  She plays so well .  Keep us cumming back for more .
  • Arousing to watch that beautiful gina enjoy ; Whiis I could help!
  • Paige lets see all of you. You do have a lovely Pussy but your Beautiful and you should show all of you. Thanks.
  • My little white dick would slip right in. What a nice pussy, love all the cum running out. Wow what a show, thanks for sharing
  • Amazing and the retrying or graduation was terrific. Felt like I was right there. Probably not much chance of a real black cock but I bet that would be spectacular  ! 
  • Keep working that very nice pulsating pussy
  • A valiant trouper!  Wet and so tasty I'll !
  • Paige I love your videos please get some sound I want to hear your moaning in ecstasy and how you're pleasuring yourself send me all three with audio ;
  • wow 
  • Superb - had there been ;
  • impressive ,  she did well for its size 
  • Don't listen to the last two ass holes. they have no idea what real life is. Their whole sexual experience is watch the video and jerk off. This is one of the better submissions I've seen in a while! 
  • Sound. Please include sound. We can see the convulsing and I am quite sure that Paige was not silent for this. And she is very wet, this sounds of her wetness would be very erotic too. As much as I love a wet, sexy pussy, it is nice to see a bit more in a vid of this length. Overall, the vid is superb, but the potential is there for greatness!
  • Fun to watch and if I followed you probably wouldn't feel it!

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