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Posted by:  Sally

Nov 2, 2016

Backdoor deposit for Miss Sally. xxx

All Comments (15)
  • It always good to try but sometimes failure leads to learning.
  • Who taught you how to fuck? I need her phone number.
  • please review your adult vocab. This is not back door. It's hairy, and it's stupid, but it ain't backdoor. Hi8 was a video format that was around for like 3 years in the 90's so this is a very old. Did I mention it's hairy? yuck.
  • please review your adult vocab. This is not back door. It's hairy, and it's stupid, but it ain't backdoor. Hi8 was a video format that was around for like 3 years in the 90's so this is a very old. Did I mention it's hairy? yuck.
  • CRAP - CRAP - CRAP!!!!
  • Still horrible video
  • my eyes !!! finally something more boring than Selma Brazil
  • Again, WTF?????????????????????
  • I am so very sorry.
  • Borat strikes again with another swing and a miss!
  • this guy doesn't know how to fuck! LOL
  • Nasty view of some dudes ass. Fail
  • I would love to fuck you in the ass Sally. daves-fun@
  • Turner over. Nobody wants to eek your hairy ass.
  • too much of his ass and not enough of hers