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Posted by:  TrailBlazn

Apr 18, 2016

This is part 2 of a 3 set shoot. We loved and are very appreciative of the last response. We know you guys want the money shot, and that will be in part 3, but most of your requests will come in this set. Voting for us makes us motivated and we know this one is a bit harder core than the first. Thanks to all once again.

All Comments (34)
  • This is one of my favorites. He plays her body like a fine instrument, and she loves every second of it. Both have exceptionally beautiful bodies.
  • Such a nice tight ass
  • Intensely erotic! Outstanding!
  • Quite a sexy babe. This is great to watch, but I hope it's going well for you.
  • It makes me wonder if she's really enjoying the rough play or pretending so the abuse will stop. This jackass seems like a selfish jerk who thinks of no one's pleasure but his own. The kind of guy who tomorrow, gets down on his hands and knees begging her to forgive him for beating her the night before.
  • Hot scene, beautiful time shoot in landscape not portrait.
  • It's not abuse if she likes it - and she obviously does. Some people just like to be spanked and when her gorgeous, tight body starts to erupt in orgasm it is incredibly erotic. kkmmaa69@
  • Loved the spanking and how bright red her ass was! Excellent and HOT!
  • Nothing but domestic abuse here. I hope she gets away from you.
  • Well worth the wait
  • You have a great body baby. Love watching you get your pussy worked and listening to you cum You are a hot cum baby. Love watching you take it in your hot hole baby, love to see you take cock in your tight sexy ass. daves-fun@
  • boring
  • great video more please
  • Superb! I'd love to see the vid in between, where she got all the beautiful red marks on her ass and back!
  • Wow she has a great body awesome video cant wait for part three. SUPERB