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Posted by:  Ripley

Jul 28, 2015

Extract of a night of debauchery in the bedroom.... The big toy being just one part... but one she thoroughly enjoyed..!!

All Comments (16)
  • Wow your pussy is so so inviting
  •  mmmmmmmmm  what a yummmy babe ,  thanks ,  ncdave28570@
  • perfect! she is soooo hot!
  • Psst! You could even shove a human penis in that hole. Just a little "inside her tip".
  • shaved is wlsum
  • So did the fitbit record that as steps, stairs, sleeping, or some other activity? How about calories burned?? ;-)
  • luv shaved
  • Damn Ripley you made me very horny. Damn I want to eat your pussy and ass and suck your clit until you scream. Loved listening to you cum baby so fucking hot. daves-fun@
  • How could you resist eating that lovely c unt!
  • Why did you take the dildo out??? She was doing great without you!!
  • Hell use your dick or does she like the toy better. I bet she has named the toy by now.
  • Next time, tie him up so she can enjoy herself!!
  • love to see more of those beautiful tits
  • Like most women, she seemed happier doing herself - chefuk is right on! But that's still some really fine pussy - fine enough for a real night of debauchery (which the Fuck My Woman Rule Book says requires at least 2, and preferably 3, guys for her to enjoy in/with all 3 of her loving orifices, at least 2 at a time and with at least 2 coming in/on her. LOVE to see more of this gorgeous, erotic lady doing more and more, soon and often, please.
  • VERY NICE. We would both love to see how hard we could make that big clit and to taste that very pretty pussy. Hope that you have more of this lady. stevetamiswing@


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