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Posted by:  Zeena

May 11, 2015

Riding the vibe.

All Comments (11)
  • Some women squirt, some gush, some flow, but all get wet when they have a real orgasm.
  • A drizzle is almost as good as a squirt.
  • "Squirt"? You mean she is short? i didn't see any squirting. I want to hear her yell "Surf's up"!
  • Well I got to see your asshole pucker and twitch
  • back up from the schniz just a bit and let's see a longer clip..........
  • way to short, need to see more action.
  • What's this supposed to be? The Mars Lander hovering over a geothermal rift?
  • What the heck was that? More of a leak than a squirt and, agree with "moustachex", too short and way too close. Your worst posting.
  • But it's Zeena
  • 14 short & too ....
  • OOPSY do it some mo,OK!