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Posted by:  Huggs

Sep 22, 2014

This video is from my wife's 2nd erotic, full-body massage. Here, she's 5 months pregnant. Her first was a huge success; she was energized by it for more than a month, during which our sex was nothing short of spectacular. For this massage, she got a bit more adventurous, first taking the masseur's cock in her hands, as you can see in the video, later taking it with great gusto in her mouth. Note, she's wearing a blindfold; she never saw her masseur and wanted only to experience him by touch (and then, taste). First, he massaged her entire body; here, he moves to a yoni massage that really got her going. This video is from a camera I put on a tripod; you can see me moving around in the background with a handheld camera. The entire event lasted more than 3 hours. If the response to this is favorable, I'll post vids from the later stages of this event.

All Comments (78)
  • fake
  • So delicious. Have you seen my new nudes?
  • The is so erotic and sensual you need to show us more and where he sucks on her breasts and actually penetrates her.
  • So part 3?
  • I can see why she stays knocked up. I would never have the patience to watch as my wife absorbed that heat from someone else. The masseuse knows his work! He gets her just to the brink, then lets her fall back to Earth.
  • After watching the 2 parts, I did the same for my girl friend... She had over 15 orgasms in 40 minutes and was exhausted for hours. Told me she had never in her life experienced such complete sexual fulfillment.
  • Absolutely a fantasy cum true. Please do post more.
  • Incredible!!
  • AWESOME!!!
  • oooooh mee too!!!!!
  • Amazing video
  • unbelievably erotic and beautiful. Please share more of that session
  • Would love for you to show more of her in the car flashing truckers
  • This is hot. I love getting a real massage from a man while blindfolded. Both times that I was pregnant (many years ago :) ) I was so horny 24/7 that I would have ridden anything that walked upright and had a cock!!!!!!!
  • So purely erotic and shouldn't all women have this special treatment.

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