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Posted by:  Darby

May 30, 2014


All Comments (13)
  • Nothing wrong with slow and sweet
  • Darby is a hot sexy woman. Your vids will get better with practice. Keep her cumming. @yahoo
  • Nice wet juicy pussy and fuckable ass Darby. dave_fun@
  • Nice fuck action but very poor video quality
  • Extreme need for editing & zoom out. Is this porn or medical training video?
  • I can listen to the radio if I want to hear music
  • I rarely comment but you guys are hot. Your camera skills suck. Pull back. Give us all of her and you. Several minutes were of nothing. Voted good but was really on the poor side. Thx for the effort though
  • Wife and i are the same and mature too - want to trade on private email. Loved seeing yours f u c k e d. Mine is a true sub beauty I share with other guys. eznhrny@
  • I only voted a good but would have voted higher if we could have seen more of the two of you. My wife is 66 & I am 56 and we are both a bit on the plump side but she is totally tanned & looks in her 50's. It would have been great to see her breasts, whole body shot, more of you & her fingering her pussy & clit, just everything. Thanks for the effort AND please submit more AND I WILL vote higher. Thanks again... ;) :)
  • From one sunlover to another. Awesome, Please post more.
  • Great clip and as a more mature fan I really appreciated this one. us seniors still know how and have the desires and power. wish you were close we could do a fan, bry
  • Why so close ???
  • Very nice, guys, but we wish it hadn't taken over 4 minutes to get either the camera or your asses in place so we could watch you fucking. Please post some more but with better camera work - maybe with a camera guy making the vid - and then you taking the camera for a vid of Darby giving him an oral expression of thanks for his camera work when you're done.