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Posted by:  Ms D

Apr 1, 2014

9 years ago I made this video of me with my widowed next door neighbor

All Comments (25)
  • Unprotected sex with a 12 YO? No wonder she ain't got a face. YOU ARE THE 70 YO GEEZER and this is statuatory rape? Why that pussy is almost virgin. Soooooooo tight! Are you telling us she grew closed?
  • Say what you will but old women just love to fuck. been there did three over 60. Best fucks ever.
  • I say bullshit
  • I love mature women... Great video... wish we could have seen the expression on her face while she was cumming...
  • great video
  • You could tell her moaning was driven by pleasure - instead of the phony crap most do just for the camera. What I don't understand is the jack off ending? She would have LOVED to have you spill in her and you denied her that satisfaction. I just don't get it - your HAND feels better than her sweet hole???
  • Nice mature pussy! Sounds like she enjoyed it!
  • Love the older Dolls who enjoy their sexuality !!!!
  • I screw a 68 year old regularly and she is tight as hell, out from an unhappy marriage of no sex for decades
  • They don't swell, they don't tell and they are grateful as hell. good going. She was happy for a while.
  • Lucky Fu**er !!!
  • Looks like he did a good job of keeping it up and filling you up. dave_fun@
  • 70 year old
  • mate if she is that old then good thing you only have a small cock thats all i can say and say hi to your wife does she know you put her runt up on here . Why do guys bull shirt just say its your wife
  • that is great sex? he ends up playing with himself. i'm starting to think most guys can't come unless they're whacking off.