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Posted by:  Assangel

Mar 23, 2013

All Comments (14)
  • Love the hairy pussy and perfect puckered asshole. please share ; Thanks!
  • A little more practice, and you'll be just fine! And remember, hold the camera still, so your appreciative audience doesn't get dizzy trying to follow the action
  • Assangel, your gorgeous sexy asshole needs a hard cock. dave_fun@
  • Iron out the wrinkles and try it again.
  • Hey, if you need someone to work the camera, I'm your man! I'll get some great close up shots!
  • Get a tripod or longer arms ,just back up ,way too close ,we can't see her ass. It might be " beautiful" , but we can't see it .
  • u guys have what it takes to make a great video.. this was too close and not enough of a variety of shots of her
  • A tad short, but a nice loking kunt from what I did see. Makem longer and keep posting.
  • Now that was um, um I know - TERRIBLE.
  • dont bother next time
  • I have to agree with the too close for any impact. Do get a tripod so you can get better vids and then you both can enjoy it more.
  • Poor camera the camera down or get a tripod.
  • Tummy